10 health benefits of Erythrito - Low Calorie Sweetener 

What exactly is erythritol 

Erythritol belongs to a class of compounds called sugar alcohols.

Is erythritol safe 

Erythritol may be safe for some but not others. Older animal studies on erythritol's toxicity and metabolism showed it safe for humans and animals.  

Does not spike blood sugar or insulin 

Humans don’t have the enzymes needed to break down erythritol. 

May benefit dental health 

One common negative effect of excessive sugar intake is poor dental health, including cavities and tooth decay. 

What does erythritol do for you

Unlike other sugar alcohols, most erythritol is taken into the bloodstream and eliminated intact in urine. It's safe comparatively.  

Is erythritol good or bad for you

Human investigations have shown minimal negative effects, however some are new and need more study. 

Is erythritol safer than sugar

Unlike sugar, erythritol doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin levels. That said, some people may experience adverse side effects. 

The bottom line 

Healthy people may use stevia or honey to sweeten food. Honey has calories and sugar, and many people dislike stevia's taste. 

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