10 Health Benefits of Running


Thick Brush Stroke

One of the most popular ways to get cardio is to run. Any type of aerobic exercise that makes your heart beat faster and breathe faster is called cardiovascular exercise. 

Lower heart disease risk


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Thick Brush Stroke

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. A magnesium deficiency usually starts with these symptoms.

You suspect the flu.


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Thick Brush Stroke

Of course, being active isn't the only thing that affects your weight. Nonetheless, if you want to lower your body fat, running and a healthy diet can work.

Aids weight loss or maintenance


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Thick Brush Stroke

Weight-bearing exercises strengthen young bones and prevent bone loss in older adults. The body reacts to stress. It doesn't grow or maintain tissue unless necessary. 

Improves bone health


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Thick Brush Stroke

Running regularly may reduce stress and anxiety. A high heart rate, rapid breathing, and sweating are symptoms of anxiety. 

Reduces stress and anxiety


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Thick Brush Stroke

Good sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Poor sleep is still reported by too many. Regular exercise improves sleep.

Improves sleep


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