10 Low-Carb Snacks for Diabetes 


Despite its high carb content, fruit is diabetes-friendly. Strawberry and watermelon are low-carb. Be wary of your fruit intake per sitting.  

Turkey Snack Stick

Turkey Slim Jims, like other red meat-based sticks, are leaner (around 1 gramme of saturated fat), provide a lot of protein, and have little carbs.  

Whisps Parmesan Cheese Crisps

These have 1 gramme of carbs per serving, making them ideal for carb watchers. For people who want simplicity, they only include cheese. 

What is it 

The USDA reports 12 grammes of protein and 5 grammes of carbohydrate in a half cup of 2% milk fat cottage cheese. Calcium and potassium are added.  

Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

Rhythm Foods Cauliflower Bites

These crispy, dry bits are healthier than chips. One bag includes 9 or 10 grammes of carbs (depending on flavour) and 3 grammes of fibre.  

Wonderful Honey Roasted Pistachio

Sweet and crunchy desires are satisfied by this flavour. Although it may seem high in carbs, a 1/4 cup serving has only 7 grammes.  

Hard-Boiled Egg

Just about 1 gramme of carbohydrate and 70 calories per egg. Many companies produce grab-and-go variants of this snack to make egg eating easier.  

Oh Snap! Pickling Co. Dilly Bite

One serving has 0 calories and 0 carbs. Yes, you read properly. With 320 milligrammes of salt per serving, each bag provides 3 servings.  

Clio Vanilla Greek Yogurt Bar

Diabetes doesn't preclude sweet tooths. Clio's chocolate-wrapped Greek yoghurt bars can be eaten cold or frozen.  

Everything Bagel Pumpkin Seed

Our Pumpkin Seeds with Everything Bagel Seasoning are a perfect seasonal snack in a pinch. 

Also See

15 natural ways to lower your blood pressure