10 Science-backed Reasons To Eat More Protein

The major component of muscles is protein. Protein helps build and maintain muscle during strength training. High-protein diets increase muscle growth and strength, according to numerous studies. Weightlifters, athletes, and muscle builders need protein. Weight loss without muscle loss is possible with a high-protein diet.

Gains muscle

As the main component of tissues and organs, protein can help your body mend after an injury. After an injury, eating additional protein has been shown to speed healing in several studies.

Body recovery after injury

High protein intake satisfies hunger with fewer meals. Cholecystokinin and peptide YY, which signal fullness, rise with high-protein diets. Protein slows digestion and satisfies hunger, making it easier to resist afternoon and nighttime junk food.

Reduces hunger

Eating for brain pleasure rather than nutrition distinguishes cravings from hunger. When you eat more protein, your brain craves less food, reducing late-night snacking. Protein helps curb hunger, fill you up, and save calories. 

Reduces cravings

Your body requires nutrients from meals to function properly. Studies show that eating extra protein improves bone health. General health depends on bone health throughout life.

Enhances bone health

If you strength train, protein is the least likely macronutrient to be deposited as body fat after overeating. More protein won't stop fat gain; weight loss requires calorie restriction. Protein digestion thermogenesis burns more calories than fat and carbs.

Reduces fat accumulation and boosts metabolism

Protein lowers high blood pressure. Hypertension raises heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease risk. A high-protein diet may aid hypertensives, study shows. High-protein diets decrease cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. 

Lowers hypertension

Increased protein intake may aid weight loss. Protein increases metabolism and automatically reduces calorie intake and cravings, aiding weight loss when calories are regulated. A protein supplement helps keep weight loss going. Protein increases satiety and muscle mass when dieting, helping weight loss.

Maintains weight loss

Increase or reduction in weight Slower metabolism (fat burning slower) Decreased energy Low strength endurance A healthy immune system comes with a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy diet with protein helps you fight colds and flu.

Keeps you fit as you age

A common myth is that protein harms kidneys. High-protein diets don't affect those without renal impairment, according to numerous research. If you were one of those who thought this, learn the facts and start eating high-protein.Discuss protein consumption with your doctor if you have renal issues.

Safe for kidneys

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