Exercise is a great way to lower blood pressure. Regular exercise strengthens and improves your heart's blood pumping, lowering artery pressure.
Walk and exercise regularly
World salt consumption is high. High consumption of processed and prepared foods is to blame. Salt raises blood pressure and heart disease, including stroke.
Reduce your sodium intake
Alcohol increases blood pressure and the risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure. Low to moderate alcohol consumption may protect the heart, but it may also have side effects.
Drink less alcohol
Potassium helps your body eliminate sodium and reduces blood vessel pressure. Most people eat more sodium and less potassium in modern diets.
Consume potassium-rich foods.
If you've ever had your blood pressure taken after drinking coffee, you know caffeine boosts it instantly. Drinking caffeine regularly may not cause a lasting increase, though.
Cut back on caffeine
High blood pressure is caused by stress. Chronic stress puts your body in fight-or-flight mode. This causes a faster heart rate and narrowed blood vessels.