5 Most Common Low Carb Mistakes

Low-carb diets may aid weight loss and metabolism. Getting too much or too little protein and fat can prevent your body from getting the benefits.

Under 100–150 grams per day is considered low carb, while there is no clear definition. This is far less carbohydrate than the Western diet. You can succeed in this carb range if you eat uncooked natural meals.

Eating too many carbs

Protein is vital and most individuals receive enough. It boosts fat burning and satisfaction more than other macronutrients. Protein improves body composition and weight loss. Low-carb, lean animal eaters may overeat protein.

Consuming too much protein

Most people get their calories from carbs, especially grains and sweets. Removed from your diet, replace this energy source. Some believe a low-carb diet without fats is better. Big error. Without carbs, eat fat. Failure to do so may cause hunger and malnutrition.

Fear of consuming fat

A major mechanism of low-carb diets is insulin lowering. Insulin instructs fat cells to accumulate fat and kidneys to retain salt. Low-carb diets lower insulin levels and cause salt and water loss. So bloating usually disappears within a few days of low carb diet.

Not replenishing sodium

Your body burns carbs first. When carbs are plentiful, your body uses them for energy. Restricting carbs forces your body to burn fat from diet or storage. You may feel ill for a few days while your body adjusts to burning fat instead of carbs.

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