7 Hybrid Fruits And Vegetables Worth Trying 

By cross-breeding varieties, hybrid fruits and vegetables can have disease resistance, enhanced flavour, or increased yield. Try these seven hybrid fruits and veggies in your garden:  

SunGold hybrid cherry tomatoes are popular for their sweet, fruity flavour. Gardeners love these golden-orange tomatoes because they yield well and don't crack.  

1. SunGold Tomato

The hybrid Honeycrisp apple has a crisp texture and sweet-tart flavour. These apples, bred traditionally, are juicy and great for salads or fresh eating.  

2. Honeycrisp Apple

Pea hybrid sugar snaps blend the sweetness of garden peas with the sharpness of snow peas. These edible-podded peas are great raw or mildly cooked in stir-fries and salads.  

3. Sugar Snap Pea

Broccolini tastes like broccoli and Chinese kale. Its long, soft stems and small, floret-like heads make it versatile for cooking. Tender and gentle, broccolilini tastes sweeter than regular broccoli.  

4. Broccolini 

A petite hybrid watermelon, Sugar Baby produces small, spherical fruits with sweet, crisp flesh. These little watermelons are great for fresh eating and fruit salads in small gardens or containers.  

5. Sugar Baby Watermelon

Honeydew melon is a hybrid with delicious, juicy flesh and pale green rind. Cross-bred honeydew melons are a summertime favourite due to their high sugar content and refreshing flavour.  

6. Honeydew Melon

Sweetie sweet hybrid onions have a moderate flavour and low pungency. High sugar and crisp texture make these onions ideal for slicing raw in salads or sandwiches.  

7. Sweetie Sweet Onion

Also See

10 Easiest Fruits, Vegetables, And Herbs To Grow In Pots