9 Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation 

Stress Reduction

A Clinical Psychology Review study found that mindfulness-based therapies like meditation improve mental health, particularly stress.  

Anxiety Management

Mediation can help counter the effects of anxiety—often noted as overwhelming feelings of fear, worry and tension—by slowing down racing thoughts and regulating breathing, which calms the nervous system. 

Depression Management

Meditation can also help reduce the symptoms of depression through mindfulness and emotional regulation.  

Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension—also known as high blood pressure—is estimated to affect one billion people worldwide and about half the people in the U.S .

Blended soup

Meditation is also an excellent behavioural treatment for immune- compromised illnesses.  

Strengthens Immune System Health

Improves Memory

Meditation is known to reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also improve brain structure. Meditation increases grey matter production in the brain, according to one study.  

Regulates Mood

When practiced over time, meditation has the ability to change how you emotionally react to situations.  

Increases Self-Awarene

Meditation increases self-awareness by creating a habit of focusing on the present, allowing you to notice your thoughts as they come up, says Meyer-Tapia. 

Helps With Addiction Management

Meditation is known to reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also improve brain structure. Meditation increases grey matter production in the brain, according to one study.  

Improves Sleep

Research suggests meditation can improve a person’s ability to sleep and quality of sleep.  

Also See

9 Types of Meditation for good Health