Grow a Gorgeous Fall Garden Your Birds Will Love 

Keep Your Garden Growing into Fall

Consider adding fall interest to your landscape. Fall gardens offer birds extra food and shelter, and discounted plants are abundant. 

An Eye for Fall Garden Design

After 40 years planning and building gardens, Naples, New York's Darryl Abraham appreciates solutions that are both attractive and functional.   

Gorgeous Grasses for Fall

After summer, ornamental grasses mature and produce beautiful flower heads. Numerous buff-colored plants make ideal backgrounds for mums and sedums. 

Appealing Fall Fruits for Bird

Certain fruitful plants attract birds in autumn, including mountain ash, a favorite of cedar and Bohemian waxwings.  

Standout Fall Shrubs and Trees

Darryl advises viburnum and mock orange for stylish trees and shrubs with spring blossoms and fall color. In summer and early fall, rose of Sharon blooms. 

Favorite Fall Garden Flowers

While mums are a well-known seasonal standout, Darryl likes seed-bearing perennials that feed birds. “Black-eyed Susans are pretty tough,” he says. 

Evergreen Beautie

“Birds pretty much like any kind of tree,” Darryl explains, although evergreens provide the most shelter. Western red cedar, eastern red cedar, Chinese juniper, and blue spruce are good choices. 

Perfectly Potted Fall Plant Combos

Mix and match fall container plants. 

Also See

Expert Tips for Growing Grape Hyacinth Flowers