Grow Green With Limelight and Little Lime Hydrangeas

It's easy to take care of Limelight and Little Lime Hydrangeas, and they can add a beautiful touch to your yard. How to make them grow:  

Limelight and Little Lime Hydrangeas like well-draining soil and partial sun to shade. To avoid plant withering in hot climes, choose a spot with early sun and afternoon shade.

1. Select a Location

Dig the root ball's depth and twice its width. Backfill the hole with earth, plant the hydrangea, and water. Plants should be 3–5 feet apart, depending on type.

2. Planting

Maintain moist but not saturated soil. When the top inch of soil seems dry, especially in hot weather, water deeply. Plant bases can be mulched to preserve moisture and adjust soil temperature.  

3. Watering

Follow package instructions to apply a balanced, slow-release fertiliser in early spring. Avoid overfertilizing, which might cause foliage growth instead of flowers.  

4. Fertilising

Limelight and Little Lime Hydrangeas bloom on new wood, so cut them in late winter or early spring before new growth appears. Remove weak or dead branches and shape the plant. Keep flowers blooming by deadheading wasted blossoms.  

5. Pruning

with colder climates, cover the plant base and wrap the branches with hessian to protect them from frost.  

6. Frost Protection

Monitor hydrangea pests like aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew. Treat infestations immediately with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Healthy spacing and air circulation helps avoid disease.  

7. Pest and Disease Control

Limelight Hydrangeas can grow tall, flower-laden stems that need support. Stakes or ring supports help maintain stems erect and prevent bending or breakage.  

8. Supporting Tall Stems

Also See

When to Prune Hydrangeas for Big, Showy Blooms