How Much Omega-3 Should You Take per Day?

Omega-3s are vital to several health functions. They affect heart, brain, and other functions. This essential fatty acid deficiency can harm health and create several ill effects.

Many health groups offer omega-3 intake suggestions. EPA and DHA dosages are usually 250–500 mg daily. Taking up to 5,000 mg daily has been demonstrated to be safe with little negative effects.

Recommended Dosage

In addition to supplementation, omega-3 dietary sources can increase your omega-3 intake. Oily fish, nuts, and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals.

Daily Omega-3 Consumption

Depression and fish oil? One meta-analysis in the Journal of Psychiatry found that 200–2,200 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids per day may help adults with depression. A supplement with more EPA than DHA may also help alleviate depression.


Omega-3 fatty acids may strengthen and prevent hair loss, according to study. A 2015 French study found that omega-3, omega-6, and antioxidant supplements increased hair density and reduced hair loss.

Hair Growth

Multiple studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids aid weight loss and fat burning. Many factors affect dose, although some studies have shown 600–3,000 mg per day to be most effective.

Weight Loss

Daily omega-3 intake impacts fetal development during pregnancy. Daily EPA and DHA intake for pregnant women should be 650 mg, 300 of which should be DHA. Fish oil or algae-derived supplements easily meet pregnant omega-3 demands.


The American Heart Association advises omega-3 supplements for elevated triglycerides. Supplementing with 2,000–4,000 milligrams of EPA and DHA may lower triglycerides by 20%–40%. At least two servings of fatty fish each week may lower triglycerides and enhance heart health.

To Lower Triglycerides

Children ages 1–3: 0.7 gram of ALA/day Children ages 4–8: 0.9 gram of ALA/day Girls ages 9–13: 1 gram of ALA/day Boys ages 9–13: 1.2 grams of ALA/day Girls ages 14–18: 1.1 grams of ALA/day Boys ages 14–18: 1.6 grams of ALA/day

For a Child

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