How often should you work out each muscle group?  

Your fitness goals, training experience, recuperation capabilities, and workout program determine muscle group workout frequency. For most people, training each major muscle group twice a week is recommended.  

These are muscles in the arms (biceps and triceps), legs, shoulders, chest, and back.  

1. Major Muscle Groups

Train each major muscle group 2-3 times each week. This stimulates muscle growth and strength while allowing recovery between exercises.  

2. Frequency

Many people split their training by muscle group. You could do "push" (chest, shoulders, triceps), "pull" (back, biceps), and "leg" days. Repeat this throughout the week to train each muscle group many times.  

3. Splitting Routine

Changing up your workouts can prevent boredom and plateaus. Switching exercises, sets, reps, and training methods keeps your muscles challenged and adapting.  

4. Recovery

Monitor your body's response to training. Extreme soreness or weariness may indicate that you need additional rest.  

5. Listen to Your Body

Changing up your workouts can prevent boredom and plateaus. Switching exercises, sets, reps, and training methods keeps your muscles challenged and adapting.  

6. Variety

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