How To Care For Lilacs After They Flower – 2 Must Do Chores For Better Blooms! 

After they bloom, lilacs need to be cared for so that they can grow well and have lots of flowers the next year. For better growth, you must do these two things:  

After flowering, lilac plants are deadheaded. This improves the plant's look and transfers its energy to new growth and bloom buds for next year.  

1. Deadheading 

Cut wilted flowers directly below the flower cluster with clean, sharp pruning scissors. Avoid cutting healthy green growth or leaf buds.  

After lilac blooms fade in late spring or early summer, deadhead immediately. This fosters new branches and a stronger bloom next season.  

Maintaining healthy and prolific lilac shrubs requires pruning. To avoid removing flower buds for the following year, prune in late spring or early summer after blossoming.  

2. Pruning 

Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches and any crossing or rubbing branches that may block airflow and light entering the plant.  

Thin out congested growth to increase airflow and decrease fungal illnesses. To promote plant base growth, remove older, thicker stems.  

Maintain a balanced and open framework when trimming lilacs to allow light and air to reach all sections. Avoid over-pruning, which can diminish flowering and delay future blooming.  

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