How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew 

You can control and eliminate powdery mildew with the appropriate strategy, but it can be difficult. Powdery mildew removal is easy with these five steps:  

Start by pruning powdery mildew-affected leaves, stems, and branches. To prevent fungus spread, throw sick plants in the trash, not the compost pile.  

1. Prune Infected Areas

Powdery mildew loves humid, poorly ventilated settings. Space afflicted plants, thin dense foliage, and remove adjacent weeds and trash to improve ventilation.  

2. Improve Air Circulation

Spray powdery mildew-controlling fungicide on afflicted plants. Check for sulfur, neem oil, potassium bicarbonate, or horticultural oils. Apply rates and frequency per manufacturer's directions.  

3. Apply Fungicidal Spray

Watering overhead might spread powdery mildew. For fast foliage drying, irrigate the soil at the plant bases early in the day. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses can keep foliage dry.  

4. Water Wisely

Check your plants for powdery mildew and act quickly if symptoms appear. Avoid powdery mildew by pruning for ventilation, spacing, and applying fungicidal sprays during high humidity or other circumstances.  

5. Track and Prevent

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