How To Keep Impatiens Flowering – The Secret To Fertilizing Impatiens! 

Proper fertilizer keeps impatiens blooming. Impatiens are heavy feeders that need frequent fertilizer to bloom all season. Fertilize impatiens effectively:  

Choose a balanced water-soluble or slow-release flowering plant fertilizer. Find a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer with equal nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium. These nutrients are necessary for healthy foliage, root growth, and plentiful flowering.  

1. Choose the Right Fertilizer

To improve soil fertility and structure, add compost or well-aged manure before planting impatiens. Nutrient-rich soil supports plant development and reduces fertilizing.  

2. Start with Healthy Soil

When planting impatiens, mix a controlled-release fertilizer or half-strength water-soluble fertilizer into the soil. To provide slow-release nutrients to plants, add fertilizer into the planting hole or soil.  

3. Fertilize at Planting

Impatiens need frequent fertilization to bloom all season. Water-soluble fertilizer should be applied every 2-4 weeks or as stated on the box. A slow-release fertilizer applied according to the manufacturer's directions provides long-term nutrition.  

4. Apply Regularly

Water impatiens thoroughly after fertilizing to dissolve and spread nutrients in the soil. Watering prevents fertilizer burn and ensures plants get the nutrients they need to develop and bloom.  

5. Water After Fertilizing

Impatiens need frequent fertilization, but overfertilization can cause nutrient imbalances, salt buildup, and diminished flowering. Apply fertilizer at the rates and frequency specified on the package to avoid overfertilization.  

6. Avoid Over-Fertilizing

Check your impatiens plants throughout the season for health and attractiveness. If your plant has yellowing leaves or poor development, alter your fertilization regimen or add nutrients.  

7. Monitor Plant Health

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