How To Keep Marigolds Flowering

Marigolds need to be properly cared for and maintained so they grow a lot. Here are seven things you can do to make sure your marigolds bloom:  

Plant marigolds in sunny, well-draining soil. Marigolds thrive in direct sunlight, so choose a position with 6-8 hours every day.  

1. Choose the Right Location

Keep marigold soil wet but not soggy by watering regularly. When the top inch of soil seems dry, water deeply. Do not water overhead since moist foliage promotes fungal diseases.  

2. Enough Water

Regularly remove fading or spent flowers to promote blooming. Deadheading directs plant energy to bloom creation rather than seed formation. Dead flowers can be pinched or cut at the stem base using scissors.  

3. Deadhead Spent Flowers

Use a balanced or flowering plant fertilizer on marigolds. The manufacturer recommends applying fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Avoid overfertilizing, which might cause foliage growth instead of flowers.  

4. Fertilize Regularly

Apply straw, shredded bark, or compost to the marigold plants' bases. Mulch retains soil moisture, controls weeds, and adjusts soil temperature, promoting healthier, more prolific blooming.  

5. Mulch Around Plants

Aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, powdery mildew, and botrytis should be monitored. Check your marigold plants often and handpick pests or use organic insecticidal soap or neem oil.  

6. Monitor for Pests and Diseases

Plants grow healthier and avoid fungal problems with good air circulation. Keep marigold plants apart and remove dense foliage that hinders ventilation.  

7. Provide Air Circulation

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