How To Save Potted Mums – 4 Simple Steps To Store Mums Indoors For The Winter! 

Keeping potted mums (Chrysanthemums) through winter lets you enjoy their beauty year after year. This step-by-step instruction will help you store mums indoors:  

Prepare Mums for Winter  

Clip mums to 6 inches above the earth when the first frost kills the blossoms. Dead or damaged leaves should be removed for disease prevention.Check for pests Check and treat plant pests.  

Move Moms Indoors  

Allow mums to acclimate in a garage or porch for a few days before bringing them indoors.  Get the Right Location: Choose an unheated garage or gloomy basement. Ideal temperature is 32-50°F (0-10°C).  

Be Careless  

Winter mums need less water. Check soil moisture every several weeks and water slightly. Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.  Watch for Issues: Regularly inspect for mold, bugs, and disease. Problems should be fixed quickly to prevent spread.  

Return Mums Outdoors  

Introduce moms to the outdoors gradually as spring and winter pass. Start in the shade and gradually expose them to direct sunlight.   

Additional Advice  

Spring Soil Refresh: Add compost or fresh potting mix to plants' top layers.  Repot your mums before moving them outside if they've outgrown their containers.  


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