How To Use Houseplants To Add Humidity To Your Home In Winter!

Increased household humidity has several benefits, especially in dry winter months. Ideal house humidity is 30–50%. With furnaces, heaters, and fireplaces burning, most homes don't reach those levels in winter.

Almost all plants, including houseplants, add humidity.  As water evaporates through leaf pores into the air, it adds moisture. However, houseplants vary in this regard. 

How Houseplants Raise Humidity Levels

Some plants increase humidity better than others. All plants give humidity to the air, but those with larger leaves do it better.  

The Difference Between Tropical Plants & Desert Plants

The more humidity-loving houseplants you have, the more likely they are to naturally increase humidity in your environment. If nothing else, it's a good reason to buy more houseplants!

The Best Houseplants To Add Humidity To Your Home

Peace lilies' wide leaves offer moisture indoors. Peace lilies, tropical perennial houseplants, thrive in most lighting conditions.  

Peace Lily 

Choose from hundreds of philodendron species. They thrive easily in most rooms with vining and non-vining plants. They're extremely forgiving, making them ideal for first-time houseplant growers. 


Spider plants are very popular with home growers. They are one of the easiest houseplants to cultivate and maintain. Like most houseplants, they like indirect sunshine.

Spider Plants   

Also good at creating humidity are palm plants. Their many long fronds increase moisture and remove air pollutants.  

Palm Plants 

Also good at creating humidity are palm plants. Their many long fronds increase moisture and remove air pollutants.  



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