Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several plants, including a group of shrubs called Berberis .
How does it work
Berberine has been tested in hundreds of studies.
It lowers blood sugar levels
Many studies show that berberine can significantly lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes .
Berberine may help you lose weight
Berberine may also be effective as a weight loss supplement.
It lowers cholesterol and may reduce your risk of heart disease
Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death around the globe .
Other health benefits
Depression: Animal studies suggest that it may help reduce symptoms of depression .
Dosage and side effects
Many of the studies cited in the article used dosages in the range of 500–1,500 mg per day.
The bottom line
Berberine is a compound that has been associated with several benefits, including decreased blood sugar levels, increased weight loss, and better heart health.