Top 10 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet 

Prioritise protein at every meal

Weight loss isn’t a linear process. There will be days the scale goes up and others when it goes down. This doesn’t mean that the diet isn’t working overall. 

Prioritise protein at every meal

You’re losing fat, you just don’t realize it 

Prioritise protein at every meal

Some people are more sensitive to carbs than others. 

You’re not cutting back enough

It isn’t always enough to just eat healthy and exercise. Taking care of your mental health is an important step in healthy weight loss. 

You’re feeling stressed 

You’re eating too many nuts 

Nuts are whole foods, but they’re also very high in fat. For example, almonds are around 50% fat .

You’re not sleeping enough 

Sleep is incredibly important for overall health. Studies show that a lack of sleep is linked to weight gain and obesity .

You’re eating too much dairy 

Dairy is a low carb food that can cause problems for some people. 

You’re not exercising effectively 

Exercise is critical for both physical and mental health. 

You’re eating too many ‘healthy’ sugars 

When following a low carb or ketogenic diet, eating sugars marketed as “healthier” alternatives — like coconut sugar or raw cane sugar — isn’t necessarily good for your health. 

A medical condition may be preventing weight loss 

Many hormonal conditions can cause weight gain or prevent weight loss, particularly hypothyroidism. 

You’re eating very frequent meals 

Many people in health and fitness circles believe that everyone should be eating many, small meals throughout the day. 

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