10 Funny Squirrel Pictures You Need to See

10 Funny Squirrel Pictures You Need to See: Although they might be annoying, squirrels are also really adorable. View these amusing photos of squirrels to laugh at some of their funniest antics. A squirrel’s life! For backyard gardeners and birdwatchers, these ravenous, bushy-tailed creatures can be a pain in the neck because they enjoy raiding outdoor feeders.



10 Funny Squirrel Pictures You Need to See 

However, when they find themselves in absurd situations—which appears to happen to squirrels at least six or seven times a day on average—it’s difficult to not smile. Enjoy a few laughs while you read through this compilation of humorous squirrel photos. Don’t forget to check out these bizarre squirrel facts.



1. Chubby Cheeks

Suddenly, it seemed like my birdseed was running low. Although the number of birds seemed normal to me, the seeds were disappearing faster and faster every day. I decided to find out why, so I sat and observed outside my patio door. And there it was! A grey squirrel is just putting food in its mouth. It paused long enough for me to get this picture as we locked gazes, caught in mid-act. Its visage was emblazoned with guilt,” remarks Jeannie Jay Martin.



2. Jelly Time

It’s worth stretching if there’s jelly to catch! We appreciate Karen Holmen sharing this amusing photo of a squirrel.



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3. Too Many Roommates

This amusing picture of a squirrel family was given to us by Christy Wheeler of Noblesville, Indiana. This squirrel enclosure was created by her neighbours last year. “Imagine my surprise when I saw four baby squirrels coming out with their frazzled mum to get a little fresh air!” the woman exclaims.



4. I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing!

Feed them if you can’t beat them! We appreciate reader Betsy Chamberlain sending one of our best amusing squirrel photos. Find out what to feed squirrels and how to live in harmony with them.



5. Morning Stretch

This amusing picture of a squirrel that appears to still be in the process of waking up was shared by Mary Lou Rosemont of Darien, Illinois. “This squirrel widened the entrance hole of one of our backyard birdhouses,” the woman claims. The squirrel savors taking naps in the birdcage. It was stretching and yawning as it climbed out onto a nearby tree, which is when I took this photo recently.



6. Squirrel With a Sweet Tooth

Hummingbird feeders can draw in visitors besides hummingbirds, as demonstrated by the photo of Ginny Phillips! Seek out organic strategies to deter ants and bees from visiting hummingbird feeders.



7. Happy Halloween

This pumpkin was placed on Joe Fabian’s front porch in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, but within days, squirrels started nibbling on it. Joe explains, “I put it out in the garden because it didn’t look so good on the porch with skin missing.” “Then I noticed that there was a hole in it, and it was the nearby fast food restaurant.” Find out how to recycle pumpkins for animals and birds.



8. Peanuts Galore

According to Kathleen Otto of Lawrence, Kansas, she got to know two silly squirrels that spent the winter months living in her neighbor’s attic. She took her camera out once summer arrived and, after eating a lot of peanuts, took this picture. She imagines the squirrel believing it has discovered the gold mine!



9. Snowflakes on a Squirrel

This amusing squirrel photo was shared by Kim Cook from Niles, Michigan. As Kim lay on her stomach attempting to take pictures of ducks, she was taken aback by this snow-covered squirrel. With all of the snow on his face, “it almost looked like he’d tunneled his way to me,” she remarks.



10. Good to the Last Drop

Lynne Berghoff of Howell, New Jersey, set a cup of sunflower seeds on her deck one sunny morning. “Imagine my surprise when I caught this squirrel enjoying every last bit of the birdseed!” she says.





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