How to Make Obedient Plant Behave in Your Flower Garden

How to Make Obedient Plant Behave in Your Flower Garden: During a trip to Ohio earlier this summer, I was taking in the sights of the flowers that were growing in my mother’s yard. It was during this trip that I came across this obedient plant, which is Physostegia virginiana, which I had purchased for her a few years ago.




How to Make Obedient Plant Behave in Your Flower Garden

Since we planted it, it has performed exceptionally well, blooming every year from June to September and attracting a large number of different kinds of species. In addition to being a fantastic option for cutting gardens, the Obedient plant is native to the eastern regions of the United States and Canada.


Although the wild kinds have blossoms that are pink in color, cultivars have been developed that have flowers that are a darker pink color and stark white in color, in addition to having a more compact growth arrangement. Perennials like this have the potential to spread rapidly. Before you decide to include them into your yard, here is what you need to know.



Obedient Plant Care

Obedient plant, sometimes known as false dragonhead, is a common name. The Physostegia virginiana plant is its scientific name. 3 to 9 are the growing zones. Soils that range from average to wet Light: from complete to partial sunlight. Inviting insects such as hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. Obedient plant is able to thrive in a wide range of soil types, although it prefers to maintain a moderate level of moisture.

It is possible for it to spread in some circumstances in a somewhat aggressive manner. However, it is a plant with shallow roots, which makes it simple to remove if it appears in a location where it is not desired. This plant, which may be grown in zones 3 to 9, attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators like bees, and it is suited for cultivation in those zones. It will provide you with long-lasting summer blossoms if you include it in your native flower garden or wildflower meadow.



Ask the Experts

“I would like to cultivate more of this plant that is so obedient. “How can I make it so that it spreads?”
It is not necessary for you to be concerned about not having enough to fill your garden!! Obey the plant, also known as Physostegia, is a native beauty that is recognized for its aggressive nature.


However, because it spreads in a fairly unruly manner, you should position it in a location where you can easily regulate its development and pick undesired plants on a regular basis in order to keep it under control. When you bend the individual blossoms of the plant, they remain in place for a little period of time, which is how the plant received its name.

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If you want the greatest results, plant it in Zones 3 to 9 and give it either full or partial sun. Make use of it in the background, or combine it with other aggressive growers, in order to create informal growing environments.



Garden Benefits

A plant that is obedient has a long bloom time, which means that it will provide your garden with weeks of color throughout the summer and fall. Additionally, the tube-shaped flowers of these native perennials will attract a large number of pollinators, and they are resistant to deer.


In order to provide us with something to do and to encourage us to spend time outside, we decided to plant a hummingbird and butterfly garden in the backyard during the summer of 2020. Through study, we determined which plants would be able to thrive in our region, and we designed a place that would allow us to watch and appreciate the plants from both our sunroom and our backyard.



In the vicinity, there was a family of ruby-throated hummingbirds who nested and brought their young to our garden on a daily basis. Aside from the fact that they adored the feeder, the plant that they appreciated the most was the one that was obedient .

It blooms throughout the entire summer, providing the hummingbirds with a plentiful supply of food on a daily basis. According to me, one of my favorite late-summer plants is the obedient plant. I adore the color as well as the height.



Backyard Tip

In the event that you are looking for a less aggressive alternative for small gardens, Physostegia virginiana ‘Miss Manners’ is a plausible option that you could want to take into consideration. Assuming that this is the case, you should give some thought to selecting this particular plant.


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