Spirulina is packed with nutrients. A single tablespoon (tbsp), or 7 grams (g), of dried spirulina powder, contains:
Protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation
Fatty structures in your body are susceptible to oxidative damage. This is known as lipid peroxidationTrusted Source, a key driver of many serious diseases.
May have anti-cancer properties
While more studies are needed, some evidence suggests that spirulina has anti-cancer properties.
May reduce blood pressure
One 5-study reviewFor patients with high blood pressure, eating 1-8 g of spirulina daily reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure, according to Trusted Source.
Improves symptoms of allergic rhinitis
Spirulina is a popular alternative treatment for symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and there is evidence that it can be effective.
Could be effective against anemia
Anemia is fairly commonTrusted Source in older adults, leading to prolonged feelings of weakness and fatigue.
May improve muscle strength and endurance
Exercise-induced oxidative damage is a major contributorTrusted Source to muscle fatigue.
Could support blood sugar control
Animal researchTrusted Source suggests that spirulina could help lower blood sugar levels.