Butterfly Anatomy: Everything You Need to Know 

Butterfly wings are their most unique feature. They're big, delicate, and colourful. Tiny scales give wings their brilliant colours and patterns. Butterfly scales can easily rub off, so handle them carefully.  


Butterfly anatomy includes the head, thorax, and abdomen. The butterfly's compound eyes, proboscis, and antennae are in its head.   


Butterflies have two long, slender antennae on their heads. Sensory receptors on these antennae help butterflies detect odours, tastes, and noises.  


Butterfly proboscis: Butterflies suck on flower nectar with this lengthy tube. The proboscis coils like a spring while not in use.   


Legs: Butterflies have six thoracic legs. Tiny hairs on these legs let butterflies hold surfaces. Butterflies walk, perch, and taste with their legs.  


Butterflies have complex eyes with thousands of ommatidia lenses. This improves their vision and lets them perceive many colours and patterns. Butterfly can detect UV light to find nectar-rich flowers.  


Butterfly wing veins offer structure and support, like leaf veins. These veins transport hemolymph, the butterfly's blood, which nourishes and oxygenates the wings.  


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