How To Divide Perennials In The Fall – Get New Plants For Free! 

Divide perennials in the fall to renew your yard and acquire free plants. The process is explained step-by-step  

Select the Right Time  

Divide perennials in early fall, a few weeks before frost. This allows plants to root before winter.  

Select Plants  

Identify perennials to divide. Daylilies, hostas, irises, and sedum are common. Look for overgrown, dead-center, or underflowering plants.  

Prepare Plants and Tools  

The day before dividing, thoroughly water the plants. Bring a sharp spade, garden fork, knife, and gloves.  

Uproot Plants  

Dig carefully around the plant's base to acquire as much root system as possible. To reveal the roots, lift the plant and shake off extra soil.  

Dividing Clumps  

Split the root clump using your hands or a sharp knife. Each area needs robust branches and roots. Get rid of dead or unhealthy plant components.  

Replant Divisions  

Replant divisions immediately in prepared soil. Plant them at their previous depth. Avoid overcrowding by spacing them by maturity.  


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