Natural Sugar Substitutes To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Natural Sugar Substitutes To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth: Some people want sweets every day and people only want them once in a while.

Natural Sugar Substitutes To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Even though we all want sweets, they are bad for our teeth and health. Here are the best foods to eat when you want to feel less hungry for sugar.



Why are sugary foods bad for teeth?

Too much sugar in the diet can damage teeth. There are many kinds of bacteria in our mouths. Some are good for our oral health and some are bad. When you eat sugar, some bad bacteria feed on it and make acids that break down tooth enamel. The good news is that our teeth are strong, and the phosphates and calcium in saliva help them heal.





There are many flavors of tea that taste sweet, like cinnamon or raspberry. You might not think of tea as a first choice when you want to curb your sweet tooth. If you buy these teas in liquid form, make sure they don’t have any extra sugar added.



Fresh Fruits

Any kind of fresh fruit, like an apple, pear, or watermelon, will naturally satisfy your sweet tooth!




You can satisfy your sweet tooth with a small cup of berries. Not only do berries curb your sweet tooth, they also make you feel full, so you won’t be hungry for a long time. You could try raspberries or cranberries. Cranberries can even stop bacteria from growing in your mouth!



Sweet Vegetables

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Remember that vegetables can taste sweet too! Some sweet vegetables, like butternut squash or sweet potatoes, can help you stop wanting sugar.



Homemade Ice Cream
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It’s easy to make your own healthy, low-sugar ice cream at home instead of buying it at an ice cream shop or grocery store. Just use naturally sweet foods like bananas or mangoes.



Peanut Butter

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Peanut butter with less sugar is an easy way to help you stop cravings. There are times when a spoonful is all you need.



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Coconut Chips

Coconut doesn’t have much sugar, but it tastes very sweet. Coconut chips are a tasty snack that you can eat on the go. They are sweet and have a great crunch.



Drink 100% Juice with Straw

Even though juice still has a lot of sugar, 100% juice is better than soda, which has a lot of added sugars. Use a straw and don’t drink too much of these juices! You can keep your teeth from getting sugar on them by drinking through a straw.



Use Mint

Mint can add a little flavor and sweetness, and mint extract is great for adding sweetness to coffee or other spreads. Plus, it kills germs in your mouth and makes your breath smell good.



Chew Sugarless Gum


You can control your sweet tooth by chewing gum, and gum with xylitol can even lower your risk of cavities. Gum can also get rid of food stuck between your teeth and make you salivate more, which is good for your oral health.


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